These are uncertain times. Before I get into the meat of this blog post, I’m sending out a virtual hug to any and all who need it. ❤️
TLDR Version: Tariffs do not currently apply to our products as they are made in Canada. It remains business as usual for us and for our US-based customers.
If you’ve been following the news in recent weeks, your head is probably spinning from all the information overload. So much is happening in the world right now that it’s hard to keep track of it all.
One of the things that we’ve been following closely here at FBD is the talk of potential tariffs which may be implemented by the US government on goods originating in Canada and Mexico.
As a small Canadian business with a large customer base in the US, this could have a significant impact on us.
What is a tariff? The short answer is that a tariff is a tax, a tax that is imposed on goods being imported from other countries into your own. This tax is paid for by the importer who is the person or company that buys the goods.
The good news is that no new tariffs are being imposed on Canada and Mexico at this time. Tariffs have been imposed on products made in China.
Our collars are made entirely here in Canada which means that nothing changes for our US-based customers and we are not subject to the tariffs being imposed on China-made goods.
You can continue to shop with us, and your collars will be shipped to you like they always have been with no changes to the current process.
Our Ready To Ship Collars ship in 3-5 Business days. Production on custom collar orders is being fast-tracked so that we are able to get them out as quickly as we can while we wait for more details to emerge.
What happens in the future? None of us can predict that.
What we can tell you is that we will continue to work with our shipping partners in order to provide you with a seamless shopping experience, no matter what is happening in the world.
And of course, we look forward to continuing to craft collars that you can purchase and enjoy your FBD collars for years to come.